
World Chaîne Day Photographic Competition

May 20, 2023

'Come with your heart' theme proved a great success

" I give my hearty congratulations not only to these three described .. but also to all those who shared their photographic memories with us "

Together with my fellow World Chaîne Day (WCD) Photographic Competition judges (Sabine Tachot - Secrétaire Générale of the Chaîne; Grand Officier Toma? Dular - a talented photographer in the Bailliage of Slovenia) we worked our way through thousands of photographs, not only those posted to the Social Media Wall but also those received by Managing Editor Marie Jones and her Chaîne News Online team from events around the world from Brisbane to Hawaii – and most places in between!

As always selecting just three to receive an award was a very difficult task. Nevertheless, below are those we have chosen.

taken at the Bailliage of Shanghai (China) WCD dinner
Nice, happy, stylish feeling of young couple dressed well for a special dinner. Good composition expressing togetherness and enjoyment, toasting nicely with wine. Harmony with colours and the whole setting could be from old movie. You can sense elegance and sophistication that comes only with your heart.

1st Runner-up
taken at the Bailliage of Singapore WCD dinner
Very much in keeping with the 2023 WCD theme of “Come with your heart” given that it is truly expressed through the sushi master. How he is doing his job is really coming from his heart. The image focuses on the master’s skills, but at the same time the photographer has caught the relaxed members showing respect to the Professional.

2nd runner up
taken at the Bailliage of United Arab Emirates WCD party in Dubai
This picture shows what is best about the Chaîne. People enjoying each other’s company, the joyous feeling is clearly coming from heart. Whilst it is an “ordinary” group photo, the photographer has captured lots of detailed faces and things otherwise going on the picture. Not forgetting the stunning background of Dubai at night. You can feel the warmth of the evening and the easy-going atmosphere.

On behalf of the Panel of Judges and the WCD Organising Committee, I give my hearty congratulations not only to these three described above but also to all those who shared their photographic memories with us from yet another outstanding worldwide event that is World Chaîne Day.

Bravo to you all!

Ari-Pekka Parviainen
Chair, World Chaîne Day Organising Committee
Member of the Conseils d’Administration and Magistral

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