Winners announced at the International AGM
'Local culinary delight' theme proved a great success
Together with my fellow World Chaîne Day (WCD) Photographic Competition judges (Sabine Tachot - Secrétaire Générale of the Chaîne; Grand Officier Toma? Dular - a talented photographer in the Bailliage of Slovenia) we worked our way through thousands of photographs. Not only those posted to the Social Media Wall but also those received by Managing Editor Marie Jones and her Chaîne News Online team from events around the world from Australasia to the Americas - and lots of places in between!
As always selecting just three to receive an award was a very difficult task. Nevertheless, below are those we have chosen. They were announced at the International Annual General Meeting in Bordeaux on May 18th.
Dame de la Chaîne Ara Goh, Seoul, South Korea
Very good example of what photography is today. Peaceful, carefully considered composition: vertical rectangle of the camera and horizontal on background, combined with the circle of the plate, classical geometrical elements. Splitting the face exactly down the middle is dramatic and concentrated gaze on eye is effective. And not to forget very beautiful, delicious pâté on the plate.
1st Runner-up
Picture taken in Conrad Bali Hotel (General Manager, Maître Hôtelier Kevin Girard), Bali, Indonesia
Tempting dessert plate by Executive Pastry Chef Putu Darmawan. Attractive and delicious looking. Harmonious colours are a very good composition on plate, which makes the photo composition also exceptional.
2nd runner up
Dame de la Chaîne Alejandra Baizuela, Guadalajara, Mexico
Another example of what photography is today - horizon is inclined but it only makes the picture dynamic. Ladies definitely having a fun time and enjoyable celebrations going on. Sun going nicely down behind the mountains tells us about cocktail hour and soon dinner table is waiting. Very relaxed and genuine atmosphere. Nice selfie.
On behalf of the Panel of Judges and the WCD Organising Committee, I give my hearty congratulations not only to these three described above but also to all those who shared their photographic memories with us from yet another outstanding worldwide event that is World Chaîne Day.
I say “exceptionally well done” to you all!
Ari-Pekka Parvianen
Chair, World Chaîne Day Organising Committee
Member of the Conseils d’Administration and Magistral