
Italy Grand Chapitre 2024

Bailliage of Italy
Genoa, November 29 - December 1, 2024

Brochure available ~ Reservations being taken
" We are very much looking forward to welcoming members and guests from Italy and around the world to this wonderful three days on the beautiful Ligurian coast "

Dear fellow Chaîne members around the world,

It is with much pleasure that we can announce that reservations are now being taken for our 56th Grand Chapitre of the Bailliage of Italy being held in Genoa from Friday, November 29th to Sunday December 1st.

Please click these links to download the appropriate language version of the illustrated brochure:

Please submit your reservation by completing and signing pages 25 to 30 of the brochure for both your personalized programme, hotel accommodation and transfers to/from the hotel. Please, send your registration form to [email protected]

In the subject line of your email please write: ‘56th Grand Chapitre - Genova’.

Please note that registrations will no longer be possible after October 12, 2024. Places are limited and will be sold on a first come, first paid basis.

Please also note that the special hotel rates at the 5-star Bristol Hotel are valid until September 15, 2024. Beyond that date, if there is still availability, rates may increase.

To take advantage of the special rates, the minimum stay is two nights. Extended stays are possible upon checking availability. Rates for Deluxe and Junior Suite rooms will be communicated upon request.

We are very much looking forward to welcoming members and guests from Italy and around the world to this wonderful three days on the beautiful Ligurian coast.

Meanwhile, the Clementson Travel Office staff remain at your complete disposal for any needs and information by e-mail: [email protected] … or phone: +39 041 520 0466.

Roberto Zanghi, Bailli Délégué
Enrico Spalazzi, Bailli Délégué Honoraire
Giovanni Baghino, Bailli di Genova e Golfo del Tigullio

November 30, 2024

Celebrating the rich heritage and culinary excellence of our Bailliage

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Save the date!

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