
Hungary Grand Chapitre 2024

Bailliage of Hungary
Budapest, October 3-6, 2024

Concurrent with the Jeunes Chefs Rôtisseurs International Final
" We all look forward to seeing you there! "

I am honoured to have been invited by Katalin Pintér, Bailli Délégué of Hungary, to represent our President Yam Atallah at the Grand Chapitre of the Bailliage of Hungary in Budapest. It has been a few years since I have been to Budapest, and I remember it as a city steeped in history and beauty, with an extensive culinary tradition.

It boasts architectural marvels, including the Chain Bridge which separates the Buda district from the Pest district. It has an amazing selection of restaurants easily explored. Bailli Délégué Katalin Pintér and her team have created a programme which will captivate and delight every participant.

Click this link for the brochure: PDF

It begins with the Welcome Dinner at world-renowned Gerbeaud House, owned by Bailli Délégué Katalin Pintér. In days following attendees will have the opportunity to experience a wine tour of the Tokaj region as well as extraordinary culinary experiences.

The 2024 International Final of the Jeunes Chefs Rôtisseurs Competition will be a highlight of the programme. Twenty national finalists from Bailliages around the world will compete in a black box competition. This will take place at the Metro Gastro Academy, a generous supporter of the Chaîne.

To reserve your place(s), please use this link:

We look forward to seeing you there!

David Tetrault
Member of the Conseil d’Honneur and the Conseil Magistral
Chair, International Jeunes Chefs Rôtisseurs Competition Committee
Katalin Pintér
Bailli Délégué
Iván Novák
Bailli Délégué Honoraire
Member of the Conseil Magistral

Budapest, October 3-6, 2024

Don't delay in making your plans to join us!

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