Auckland has so much to offer
" We will be delighted to welcome you to Auckland, known in New Zealand as 'The City of Sails', for our 2025 Grand Chapitre "
Kia Ora!
Greetings from the members of the Bailliage of Auckland to our worldwide Chaîne Confrères.
A very warm welcome from New Zealand. We would like to invite you to attend our Grand Chapitre on Friday 11 to Sunday 13 April 2025.
We will be delighted to welcome you to Auckland, known in New Zealand as ‘The City of Sails’, for our 2025 Grand Chapitre.
Auckland has so much to offer, including some of the finest restaurants, chefs and wineries in the country, a couple of which you will sample over the three days of the event.
Please click this link to download a Word document including the details of the three-day event and how to book: Programme
Nau mai haere mai (Welcome!)
Vive la Chaîne!
David Shackleton, Bailli Délégué
Rowan Moss, Chancelier
Olivier Lacoua, Bailli of Auckland
A culinary celebration in the Algarve