
World Chaîne Day

September 25, 2015

24 hours of events around the world

For the first time ever, on the same day Chaîne members around the world celebrated being part of the oldest and largest gastronomy association.

The “World Chaîne Day” on September 25th saw many national and local Bailliages organising events – both formal and informal – to increase the strength, respect and public image of the Confrérie with a special emphasis on promoting establishments awarded the Chaîne Professionals Plaque.

It all started – the story of when, who, how, where, why
In 2014 two Baillis in Finland conceived the concept of a day dedicated to promote all things Chaîne. This caught the imagination of all the Finnish Bailliages and it became a national event.

The embryo with potential to become the World Chaîne Day was born. Through the good offices of International Vice-President Marie Jones and Secretary-General Philippe Desgeorges, the Bailliage of Finland team (principally Conseiller Gastronomique Ari-Pekka Parvianen, who is a Member of the International Board, Chargé de Presse Johanna Hornborg, and Stana Porvali, Vice-Chargé de Presse of Helsinki), took the project worldwide. Interest was immediately aroused in Bailliages internationally and a date was set for 2015.

Social media played a crucial role in connecting the members from all over to world and creating a linked chain between different countries and cultures. Social media activity was versatile and innovative. Posts were made contemporaneously, principally on the Chaîne’s Facebook pages, or on Twitter using the dedicated World Chaîne Day hashtag #chaineday.

It all happened – from New Zealand to Cook Islands
(Managing Editor’s note … with sincere apologies to anyone left out!)

New Zealand: As the easternmost Bailliage in the world, NZ got the Day off to a great start with breakfasts at the Hotel Intercontinental, Wellington, and George Hotel, Christchurch.

Cook Islands: At the westernmost outpost of the Chaîne (a Bailliage in the making) an evening cocktail event at sunset was held at Little Polynesian Resort to conclude the World Chaîne Day.

Other formal events listed A-Z by National Bailliage name …

Australia: Toasts to the Day were made during the International Final of the Jeunes Sommeliers Competition and subsequent Awards Dinner.

Brunei: Dinner in Bandar Seri Begawan.

Finland: All 11 local Bailliages arranging several and different types of events around the whole country. The principal event was a ‘Trois Maîtres’ Dinner in Tampere.

France: The Bailliage of Alsace connected their ‘Fête de la Gastronomie’ event with the celebration of the World Chaîne Day.

Hungary: Event including presentation of a Professionals Plaque at the Corinthia Hotel.

Israel: Dinners prepared by Professional member chefs at members’ homes for 10-12 persons per event each bringing their own wines.

Italy: Chaîne toast and formal greetings to members around the world from Bailli Délégué Roberto Zanghi. Local Bailliage events were also held.

Korea: Dinner in Seoul.

Monaco: Dinner.

Russia: Dinner in Moscow. Student event at Swissam Hospitality and Culinary Art School, St Petersburg. Champagne reception on the Roof Terrace at the Hotel Kempinski in St Petersburg.

South Africa: Dinner in Johannesburg.

Spain: Several local events around the country. “Greetings to the world!” sent.

Taiwan: Lunch event.

Tunisia: Morning visit to a culinary institute to congratulate students who had passed their diplomas. In the evening a dinner was held despite it being the Aid al Adha festival.

United Arab Emirates: Dinner at Pax Ristorante, Dusit Thani, Dubai.

USA: “World Chaîne Day” celebrated in Salt Lake City. Bailliage of Hawaii (also at the westernmost extremity of the Chaîne world) held a daytime event on the Island of Maui.

Venezuela: Dinner at the Selva Negra Hotel in Colonia Tovar.

It trended on social media – the stats
Facebook: audience of 20196 / Twitter: audience of 3891 / Instagram: 44 publications /International website: 540 views

It has started a tradition – the way forward
Building on the resounding success of this inaugural World Chaîne Day that planned for 2016 will exceed expectations for sure with many more Bailliages having pledged to participate more fully.

Based on a report prepared by
     Johanna Hornborg, Chargée de Presse (Finland)

Analysis of the events by
     Ari-Pekka Parviainen
     Member of the Conseil d'Administration & Conseiller Gastronomique (Finland)

Stats provided by
    Secretary-General Philippe Desgeorges at the International HQ in Paris

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