
Germany Grand Chapitre 2023

Bailliage of Germany
Bodensee (Lake Constance), June 1-4, 2023

It's nearly time!
" The booking portal is now open "

The programme for the 97th Grand Chapitre of the Bailliage of Germany is now available.

Let's celebrate the National Bailliage’s first post-pandemic Grand Chapitre together!

You can view the invitation with all the information by clicking this link to download the document: PDF (NB. available in German only)

You will see that the Bailliage of Bodensee has put together a varied programme of wonderful cultural and gastronomic events.

The booking portal is now open:

Klaus Tritschler
Bailli Délégué
Member of the Conseil d'Administration and Conseil Magistral

November 30, 2024

Celebrating the rich heritage and culinary excellence of our Bailliage

Kuala Lumpur, October 26, 2024

Themed 'A taste of home - culinary experience redefined'

Windhoek, November 16, 2024

Save the date!

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