11 days of celebrations!
" the programme is extensive with highlights in every part of Thailand "
Dear fellow members across the world
Greetings from the National Bailliage of Thailand!
I am pleased to announce that the Bailliage’s 50th Anniversary Grand Chapitre programme and booking form are now live on our national website, please follow this link:
Diethelm Travel, our logistics partner and Chaîne member agency, will be handling all bookings via automated booking forms.
As you will see, the programme is extensive with highlights in every part of Thailand from Chiang Mai, Bangkok to Phuket so one can plan a curated vacation around this.
The National Council of the National Bailliage together with our local Bailliage officers, are very much looking forward to welcoming you to our beautiful “Land of Smile” and one of the top gastronomic destination in the world.
Vive la Chaîne!
Joe P. Thawilvejjakul
Bailli Délégué
Member of the Conseil Magistral
A culinary celebration in the Algarve
Reinforcing all that we value as Chaîne members