VIVES Campus is waiting to welcome us
" This year, more than ever, we are making this day an experience for Chaîne members, friends of the competitors and other supporters "
Dear members and friends of the Chaîne
Belgium’s 2024 National Finals of the Jeunes Chefs Rôtisseurs and Jeunes Sommeliers Competitions will once again be held on the Vives Campus in Bruges.
March 24th marks the eagerly awaited day! The National Bailliage is ready to support young people in learning the art of the table and to promote their careers in the field. The winners of the two prestigious competitions will represent Belgium on the international stage.
This year, more than ever, we are making this day an experience for Chaîne members, friends of the competitors and other supporters.
From 12.30pm onwards, the doors open to the general public, where you will be welcomed by students from the Bachelor's Degree course in Accommodation, Restaurant, and Catering Management, who have taken charge of organizing the event.
On the big screen, you will be able to follow the competitions, with live jazz music provided by Jazzizo under the direction of Dame de La Chaîne Heidi Louagie. Expect enjoyable music and interviews with well-known figures from the hospitality industry.
At the LoReCa bar, there will be drinks and snacks at reasonable prices. Also, enjoy the magnificent artworks by Kurt Van Tendeloo.
At 1pm there will be an exceptional masterclass on “Israeli Wines” by Tal Sunderland-Cohen, Bailli Délégué Honoraire of Israel (and formerly the Échanson), wine antiquarian, and former member of the International OMGD Committee (Ordre Mondial des Gourmets Dégustateurs). This masterclass is offered to you, but registration is required via this link: Masterclass
At 2.15pm, you can participate in “Aromatherapy for Hospitality Professionals”, a workshop curated by Dame de la Chaîne Anne Guffens. Registration is also required for this workshop, but participation is free. Please use this link: Aromatherapy
At 3pm, the final of the Jeunes Sommeliers Competition begins on the stage of the Aula of the campus.
The proclamation of both competitions will take place at 5.30pm in the Aula.
At 6.30pm, the VIP reception begins, by invitation only. Chaîne members can participate for free by registering via this link: Reception
We look forward to welcoming you to this inspiring day filled with talent and passion for gastronomy!
Best regards,
Ilse Duponcheel
Bailli Délégué
Member of the Conseil Magistral
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