Kaspar Wetli - Winner
" The theme of this year's competition was Unoaked Chardonnay "
Our Vice-Échansons gathered once again to take part in the Swiss Wine Competition - the second event of its kind organised by the Chaîne des Rôtisseurs. The goal is for participants to blind-taste wines from different regions of Switzerland with the same characteristics. This time, the event was held during the Swiss Chapitre in Arbon, in the canton of Thurgau, at the Bad Horn Hotel, in the safe hands of fellow members Bernadette and Stephan Hinny.
The theme of this year’s competition was Unoaked Chardonnay. Seven regions were represented. It was a difficult task for the Vice-Échansons to choose a winner because all the competing wines were excellent. However, one wine really stood out.
The Gala was in full swing when Échanson Nadim Arfan, the only one to know the outcome of the competition, took to the floor to describe the differences between the French-speaking and German-speaking cantons of Switzerland, explaining how the latter have a preference for wines with more residual sugar.
This year’s winner was “Chardonnay Invinitus”. As an unexpected surprise, winemaker Kaspar Wetli, from Wetliwein in Saint-Gall, was in attendance at the event. He was therefore able to present his wine while accepting the congratulations of those present.
Kaspar Wetli is a new member of the Saint-Gall Bailliage. He was inducted as a “Professionnel du Vin” during the Horn Chapitre in Switzerland on 4 May 2024, which was the same day that his wine, “Chardonnay Invinitus”, was chosen as the winner of the 2024 Swiss Wine Competition.
After thanking the Vice-Échansons for their participation, Nadim Arfan was visibly moved when he gave a bottle of the winning wine to fellow member Ginette Metz, Grand Officier of the Fribourg Bailliage. He congratulated her for her unwavering service, despite her impressive age. She is an example for all members to follow.
After deliberating, the Vice-Échansons came to the unanimous decision that the next competition would focus on oaked red wines.
About the Swiss Wine Competition
The Swiss Wine Competition was introduced by Échanson Nadim Arfan in 2023. It is held once a year and combines the knowledge of the Vice-Échansons with a blind tasting. Every year, one grape variety or one wine with specific criteria is chosen in advance for the tasting.
The Competition’s goals
The Vice-Échansons are ambassadors for wines in every Bailliage, and their mission is to introduce wines to members of the Chaîne. The Competition is designed to promote the Chaîne des Rôtisseurs and the Ordre Mondial des Gourmets Dégustateurs in Switzerland, particularly when it comes to wine. It aims to strengthen the cooperation between Bailliages as well as the appreciation for Swiss wines.
Thomas Kuhn
Bailli Délégué
Member of the Conseils d’Administration and Magistral
Wetli Weine
Tramstrasse 23
9442 Berneck
Web: wetliweine.ch
Tel: +41 (0)71 747 90 90
Dedicated to indigenous Istrian grape varieties