Michelin 1-star fine dining above the city
" created by an exceptional chef, Igor Jagodic, who is Conseiller Culinaire "
The most visited tourist spot in Slovenia is Ljubljana Castle. Right next to the entrance to the castle is the Archers’ Tower. Here, created by an exceptional chef, Igor Jagodic, who is Conseiller Culinaire of the Bailliage of Slovenia, is a high-class culinary offer.
Historical ambiance
The round tower’s origins date back to the 15th century. It took on its present appearance after the restoration in the 1950s. Architect Boris Kobe and academic painter Marija Pregelj decorated the interior of the tower with its now recognizable sgraffito [Ed: Italian for scratched] wall murals. In a wide ribbon, the paintings embrace the tower’s interior. They show fragments of Slovene folk tradition stories in framed scenes: Lepa Vida, Desetnica, Mlada Zora ... to name but three.
It has always been intended for hospitality
The management of Ljubljana Castle always intended the Archers’ Tower for the hospitality sector. A pub was opened on the ground floor with a popular café on the top floor. Because history likes to repeat itself, the Archers’ Tower, after its latest renovation, was again dedicated to culinary arts, bringing this wonderful, special place to life again.
“Standing on the top floor of the tower, in front of the wonderful wall paintings, reading the texts under individual scenes, the energy of the round tower, imbued with history, flows through you, while your gaze wanders through the windows and slits to the city below.”
The energy and culinary passion of the creators
Creators of Restaurant Strelec found a unique challenge in the common denominator. Awareness of the great responsibility and respect for history. Together with imbued energies and knowledge including architectural, artistic and historical facts. Also, a new respect for food and cuisine. This can be summed up in one thought, one passion – where there is a will, there is a way!
Igor Jagodic is known as a modest, reserved chef who rarely speaks which makes his achievements all the more famous.
Tasting menu
A first-class menu is offered of seasonal and micro-seasonal dishes prepared by Chef Igor and his team with his signature style and using top-quality, local ingredients. Igor says, “In our kitchen, the most important thing is not to follow trends and fashion, but to cook what we like. Today, our kitchen is known for its sophisticated dishes, which consist of many components, but always out of only one or two ingredients. The emphasis is always on seasonal dishes and fresh ingredients”.
Why not book a table and indulge in the culinary masterpieces of Chef Igor and the Strelec team, including: Sous Chef Darko Krstev; Maître d’Matej Nograšek; Sommelier Igor Dorner Radosavljević.
Restaurant Strelec
Ljubljana Castle
Grajska planota 1
1000 Ljubljana
Tel: +386 31 687 648
Web: restavracija-strelec.si
A legacy of luxury and excellence