Presenting new members of the Conseils
" New members of the Conseil d'Honneur and the Conseil Magistral "
At this year’s International Annual General Meeting in Paris, new members of the Conseil d’Honneur and the Conseil Magistral were announced by President Yam Atallah.
Members of the Conseil d’Honneur
Rolf Braend, Argentier Honoraire of Norway
Bernhard Brender, Bailli Délégué Honoraire of Korea
Wolfgang Gutmann, Bailli Délégué Honoraire of Venezuela
Ted Lee, Bailli Délégué Honoraire of Singapore
Firdaus Siddik, Bailli Délégué of Indonesia
Members of the Conseil Magistral
Frederico Borromeo, Bailli of Manila, Philippines
Tony Catanese, Bailli Délégué of Canada
Roland Hinni, Bailli Délégué of Korea
Thomas Kuhn, Bailli Délégué of Switzerland
Yves Léon, Bailli Délégué of Turkey
Francis Sandt, Bailli Délégué of Luxembourg
Betty Sasenick, Chargée de Presse of USA
With skill sets acquired through diverse careers, it is clear that these members bring valued experience to the Chaîne with its values of gastronomy and camaraderie, the common link between them all.
Marie Jones
Managing Editor
Photo © Laetitia d'Aboville
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