
France Grand Chapitre 2024

Bailliage of France
Versailles, October 9-13, 2024

An exceptional programme!
" we will provide you with a complete and detailed programme of our Grand Chapitre, as well as the different rates, in the weeks to come "

On the occasion of the 370th anniversary of the coronation of King Louis XIV and the 360th anniversary of the beginning of the construction of the Palace of Versailles, we have the pleasure and honour of inviting you to share with us the exceptional programme of our upcoming Grand Chapitre of France.

This will take place in Versailles from Wednesday, October 9th to Sunday, October 13th, 2024.

Under the guidance of David Chanteranne, Historian, Director of Heritage, Consultant for France Télévisions, and Director of the Versailles magazine, we will follow in the footsteps of King Louis XIV, who contributed to the greatness of France.

Wednesday, October 9th, first day
Starting at 6pm: we will discover the birthplace of King Louis XIV and his Château de Saint Germain, which was his main residence before he chose to settle in Versailles.

We will evoke his difficult childhood, the Fronde that threatened his life, and d'Artagnan tasked with protecting him. We will dine at the place where the king was baptized, and where Alexandre Dumas wrote “The Three Musketeers” ... who will come to greet us!

Thursday, October 10th, second day
We will introduce you (or reintroduce you) to the magnificent Château de Vaux-le-Vicomte, which was the precursor to Versailles. The Château de Vaux-le-Vicomte was the creation of three artists brought together by Nicolas Fouquet, Superintendent of Finances for the king: gardener André Le Nôtre, architect Louis Le Vau, and painter-decorator Charles Le Brun.

Born from the fraternal genius of these three men, the Château de Vaux-le-Vicomte is a model of majesty and balance. Enchanted by their work, King Louis XIV would call on them to build Versailles. Vaux-le-Vicomte would indeed inspire Versailles, but also all of Europe for centuries.

Our day will end with an evening of refinement and charm at the elegant Hôtel du Duc de Bouillon, a 17th-century private mansion, privatized for the occasion. The Hôtel du Duc de Bouillon (Historical Monument), built in 1670 by the Duke of Bouillon, Grand Chamberlain of France, is now richly furnished with art objects and exceptional furniture by a renowned antique dealer.

Friday, October 11th, third day
Finally, Versailles, an absolute masterpiece of French art, desired by King Louis XIV, and which was the residence of the king, the Court, and the Royal Government until October 1789. How many European sovereigns would be inspired by Versailles for the construction of their castle, never to equal it!

We will visit the king's grand apartments, the incredible Hall of Mirrors, and the splendid Chapel, as well as the small apartments of the Palace and their secrets.

We will have lunch by the Grand Canal of the Palace's park, where the king would sail gondolas, galleys, and small ships.

The day will end at the noble Château de Breteuil, property of the eponymous family, passed down through generations for over four hundred years.

The family of the Marquis de Breteuil distinguished itself gloriously during the reign of the Sun King and sheltered Charles Perrault, the author of “Mother Goose Tales”.

Saturday, October 12th, fourth day
In the morning, while the Members of the Bailliage of France attend their General Assembly, other participants can explore the “King's Vegetable Garden”, reminding us of how King Louis XIV, a fine gourmet, developed the art of gastronomy.

After lunch in the Palace’s park, by the Apollo Fountain, we will explore the magnificent gardens designed by André Le Nôtre by a small train. Gardens for which the king wrote “The Manner of Showing the Gardens of Versailles”, a guide designed to fully visit and enjoy the groves and basins of the Castle’s gardens.

The day will continue with an induction ceremony in the charming wedding salon of the Versailles City Hall.

Then our Gala Evening will conclude the day, in the grand historical Salon of the Trianon Palace, with some surprises in store.

Sunday, October 13th, fifth day
We will enjoy a brunch at the Trianon Palace. This brunch will precede our visit to the Grand Trianon, built at the request of King Louis XIV, and which he made his private residence.

The exterior of the building is made of pink marble, giving it the name “Marble Trianon”.

Over time and under different regimes, it was the residence of many personalities, such as Tsar Peter I of Russia and several French or foreign royal figures.

Then our stay will end with a free visit to the Trianon gardens, a passion of the king: “The King always has Trianon in mind” as Madame de Maintenon wrote.

Throughout this Grand Chapitre of France, we will unveil many secrets of the king, Versailles, and its court, and every day we will evoke, through surprises, some of the great figures of the Sun King’s era.

Of course, we will provide you with a complete and detailed programme of our Grand Chapitre, as well as the different rates, in the weeks to come.

To better organize ourselves to welcome you, if you are interested and potentially wish to participate in this Grand Chapitre of France, we invite you to pre-register (without any commitment on your part) via the following link:

Click here to pre-register

We sincerely hope to see you in Versailles to share this exceptional programme with you.

Warm regards

Laurent Poultier du Mesnil
Bailli Délégué
Member of the Conseil Magistral

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