
Sweden - Dinner for the King

Bailliage of Sweden
Stockholm, August 16, 2024

Honouring the winners of our 2024 Competitions

" We are told that the King, who is a Member of the Conseil d'Honneur in the Chaîne, was in a brilliant mood and very much enjoyed the occasion with its unique concept "

Our talented Échanson Göran Amnegård sometimes gets unusual but honourable dinner assignments. This time he was asked if he could be responsible for the annual celebratory dinner for the 18 members of the ‘Gastronomiska Akademien’ - the Swedish Gastronomic Academy.

[Ed. The Academy is tasked with protecting and working for the development of gastronomy and gastronomic culture in Sweden. It was founded in 1958 by the composer Sten Broman, the writer Fritiof Nilsson Piraten and Tore Wretman. Tore also founded the Bailliage of Sweden in 1959.]

Göran came up with a brilliant idea by suggesting that the assignment should be passed to the two young Professionals who had won the 2024 National Finals of the Jeunes Chefs Rôtisseurs and Jeunes Sommeliers Competition. In other words, honour those who should be honoured!

The most famous member of the Academy is His Majesty King Carl XVI Gustaf. As a working board member, he is very involved in the Academy and is always present at the celebratory meetings.

Therefore, Göran’s idea had to have royal approval. The King of course receives thousands of requests and usually declines, however, Göran chose to first present the idea to equally talented Chaîne member, Officer Maître Restaurateur Carl-Jan Granqvist, who is a long-time gastronomic friend of the King.

And so it was that royal approval was granted after the King had listened to Carl-Jan. Young Chef Konrad Forsberg and young Sommelier Albert Wendesten were honoured and immediately began their planning. They took into account that when the King is present there is always a degree of secrecy. Accordingly, most things were kept under wraps until the dinner was over.

Konrad chose to get inspiration from the menu he created in the national competition. Upon request, he made two different drink snacks, oysters and a cheese dish which is always on the meeting’s menu. The Swedish-made cheese, Bredsjö Blå has a special place in the heart of Carl-Jan.

Albert picked well-paired wines from Grappe’s eminent wine cellar for Konrad’s menu consisting of, among other items, char, mussels, corn chicken and rhubarb. Champagne Pommery was also served given that it is the Swedish Royal House’s favourite champagne. Göran contributed to the cheese with his own Blaxsta Icewine which has won gold several times in international competitions.

The dinner was held in the premises of Grappe, the wine merchant owned by Carl-Jan. The old cellar vaults breathe history through the centuries and is today a popular place for many gastronomic occasions.

All the courses were served on porcelain brought from the Royal Palace especially for the occasion. As usual, it was a fast pace in the kitchen with a total focus on cooking. Everything had to be perfect; the timetable was tight; the King should not have to wait. Only afterwards could Konrad and his commis enjoy their achievement and when he got to greet the King, he fully understood his honourable assignment.

Albert presented for the guests the interaction of the selected wines with the flavours of the menu and could tell that the atmosphere was excellent. He enthused that it was a unique group to serve. In doing so, he also praised Konrad’s food.

We are told that the King, who is an honoured Member of the Conseil d’Honneur, was in a brilliant mood and very much enjoyed the occasion with its unique concept.

Article based on a report by Catarina Offe, Conseiller Gastronomique

Translation of the original Swedish text into English by Margareta Henry, Chargée de Missions Honoraire

Photo above (c) Thomas Svensson: (from left to right) Albert Wendesten; His Majesty King Carl XVI Gustaf; Konrad Forsberg

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