
International Jeunes Sommeliers Competition 2024

Lisbon (Portugal), October 16-19, 2024

Brochure now available | Reservations are open
" Looking forward to seeing you! "

Lisbon awaits us!
Situated on Portugal’s stunning Atlantic coast, Lisbon, the country’s capital and largest city, is waiting for us to come and experience its rich history, diverse culture and year-round pleasant climate.

Lisbon also boasts the Lisboa Wine Region, one of the country’s most diverse wine regions, known until 2008 as Estremadura. During the programme for this year’s International Final of the Chaîne’s Jeunes Sommeliers Competition, we will have the opportunity to tour this unique wine region that perfectly encapsulates the spirit and innovation of Portuguese viticulture.

Full details of the events making up the programme from October 16-19 inclusive are shown in the brochure. Please click this link to download it: PDF [NB. Available in English only]

Bookings and Payments
Reservations are now being taken. Please visit the Chaîne’s events booking website to ensure your place is secured to participate in a fantastic four days of gastronomy, culture and of course exciting competition!

Once you submit your online booking you will receive an email confirming the amount payable. Payments must be made to the bank account details provided. Important: please note that due to limited spaces, bookings will only be considered ‘confirmed’ once payment has been received.

Should there be any query when making your reservation, please contact the Bailliage of Portugal at: [email protected].

Looking forward to seeing you!
With the passionate enthusiasm for the event already evident from Bailli Délégué Paulo Amado, Chancelier Richard Roestorf and the team in Portugal another highly successful annual International Final is very much on the cards.

Marie Jones
Chair, International Jeunes Sommeliers Competition Committee
International Vice-President

Committee Members
- Klaus Tritschler, Member of the Conseils d’Administration and Magistral, Bailli Délégué of Germany
- Philip Evins, Member of the Conseil Magistral, Bailli Délégué of Great Britain

Bruges, March 24, 2024

Sommelier at Le Sanglier des Ardennes

International Final - Ljubljana (Slovenia), September 15-16, 2023

Slovenia did us proud!

International Final - Ljubljana (Slovenia), September 15-16, 2023

Profiles of the fourteen who participated

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