
International - Conseil d'Honneur

Paris (France), December 13, 2024

Who are they?

" 15 current members "

The Conseil d’Honneur of the Chaîne des Rôtisseurs is a level for those who are being honoured and thanked for their contribution to the Confrérie or they are important personalities who wish to be associated with the Chaîne and for whom the Chaîne is most appreciative of their affiliation.

Article 12 of the By-laws of the Chaîne has it that Conseil d’Honneur members shall be appointed in accordance with the provisions of Article 11.03 (b) which states that it is the responsibility of the Conseil Magistral (chaired by the President) to: “decide, upon proposal of at least 20 members or of the Board of Directors, which members shall be appointed to the Conseil d'Honneur”.

Article 12 continues by saying that “The members will have to decide upon any matter which may be submitted to them by the Board of Directors”.

The 15 current members of the Conseil d’Honneur are:

Albert II - His Serene Highness The Prince of Monaco

André Cointreau - President and CEO of Le Cordon Bleu

Benoit Fragnière - Grand Argentier Honoraire, Chancelier Honoraire of Switzerland

Beyti Güler - Restaurateur, Türkiye

Carl XVI Gustaf - King of Sweden

David Tetrault - Chair of the International Jeunes Chefs Rôtisseurs Competition Committee, Member Honoraire of the Conseil d’Administration, Bailli Délégué Honoraire of Canada

Firdaus Siddik - Member Honoraire of the Conseil Magistral, Bailli Délégué Honoraire of Indonesia

Georges Muller - Chancelier Délégué of the Bailliage of USA’s “Académie Brillat-Savarin”

Jean-Paul Camus - former head of Camus la Grande Marque in Cognac, France

Juha Ojamo - Chancelier of Finland

Mohamed Hammam - Chair of the OMGD (Ordre Mondial des Gourmets Dégustateurs) Committee, Member Honoraire of the Conseil d’Administration, Bailli Délégué Honoraire of Türkiye

Peter Musa - International Vice-President Honoraire, Bailli Délégué Honoraire of Switzerland

Rolf Braend - Member Honoraire of the Conseil Magistral, Argentier Honoraire of Norway

Ronald Overend - Bailli Provincial Honoraire of Caribbean/Atlantic in the USA

Ted Lee - Member Honoraire of the Conseil Magistral, Bailli Délégué Honoraire of Singapore

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