Resilience and adaptability to diverse climates
" With its delectable flavour, appealing appearance and impressive health benefits, the strawberry guava is a fruit worth savouring "
The strawberry guava (Psidium cattleianum), also known as cattley guava, is a tropical fruit prized for its sweet-tart flavour and robust nutritional profile. Native to South America, particularly Brazil, it has become popular in various regions worldwide, including southeast Asia, the Caribbean, and the Pacific Islands. This hardy fruit grows on small trees or shrubs, which are known for their resilience and adaptability to diverse climates.
Strawberry guavas are small, round fruits, typically measuring 2 to 4 centimetres in diameter, with a smooth, thin skin ranging from deep red to yellow, depending on the variety. The fruit’s interior is soft and juicy, filled with creamy white pulp and small, edible seeds.
As its name suggests, the strawberry guava offers a flavour profile reminiscent of strawberries, complemented by tropical guava undertones. A delicious blend of flavours both sweet and tangy makes it a delightful fruit to eat fresh. It is also a versatile ingredient for jams, jellies, beverages, and desserts. The fruit’s aroma is equally enticing, with a fragrant, fruity scent that adds to its appeal.
The strawberry guava tree is a hardy, drought-resistant, low-maintenance plant that thrives in a range of soil types and climates. It prefers warm, tropical or subtropical environments but can tolerate cooler temperatures. However, in some regions it has become invasive, requiring careful management to prevent ecological impact.
Once harvested, strawberry guavas should be consumed promptly for the best flavour and texture. They can be stored at room temperature for a day or two or refrigerated to extend their freshness. Enjoy them fresh, or use them to create vibrant juices, sauces, and desserts.
With its delectable flavour, appealing appearance and impressive health benefits, the strawberry guava is a fruit worth savouring. Whether you grow it in your garden or find it at a local market, this tropical gem promises both a beneficial culinary and nutritional experience.
Prepared by a Chaîne News Online Staff Writer
Researched from various sources. E&OE