
Netherlands Antilles Gala Dinner

Bailliage of Curacao
Willemstad, December 3, 2016

Perfect occasion celebrating the Festive Holidays

The Bailliage celebrated the Festive Holiday season with a Gala Dinner at the Santa Barbara Beach and Golf Resort.

With 2,000 acres to explore, the Resort is a destination of its own. We were welcomed warmly in the ballroom by Executive Assistant Manager Rob de Bekker, our host for the evening.

One of Curaçao’s most notable aspects is its culture of hospitality. Coupled with the traditional Chaîne camaraderie a wonderful event would be had by all.

Opening the formalities, supported by Dr Gerold Rach (Chargé de Presse), Alecio Maduro (Chancelier Honoraire), Malory Van der Dijs-Blajic (Conseiller Culinaire Honoraire) and Dr Jerry Booi (Échanson), Bailli Délégué Nico Cornelisse explained the history of the Chaîne for the benefit of those for whom this was their first experience of the Confrérie.

Among the distinguished guests were the Indian Consul General, Divyakumar Sawilani, and his wife. Before adjourning to the splendidly set dinner tables, esteemed members of our Bailliage and their guests posed for a great photo opportunity.

The Resort managers took us through the courses and partnering beverages. The kitchen and service brigades then sprang into action with skill and precision thus ensuring the delight of everyone with the gastronomy on offer.

After-dinner dancing into the late hours completed the perfect occasion celebrating the Festive Holidays!

Nico Cornelisse
Bailli Délégué

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