
Jeunes Sommeliers Competition

Bailliage of Korea
Seoul, September 20-21, 2019

Matteo Montone wins for Great Britain

" It was the first time that a final had been held in Asia "

Twelve young Sommeliers (8 male, 4 female), representing the Bailliages of Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Great Britain, Korea, Mexico, Russia, Taiwan, Turkey and the USA, came to Seoul, South Korea, to compete for the title. It was the first time that a final had been held in Asia since the Competition began in 2007.

After an intense morning’s competition on Saturday, September 21st at the Grand Hilton Seoul, Great Britain’s Matteo Montone was announced as the winner at the Gala Awards Ceremony held the same evening at the hotel. Jonathan Eichholz for the Bailliage of USA was Runner-up and Australia’s Andres Aragon came in Third Place.

Besides the winner’s medal, Matteo was presented with a special prize of an exclusive trip to Bordeaux to visit six great wine estates in the major appellations. He was also given an engraved silver-plated tray.

As well as receiving commemorative engraved trays, Runner-up Jonathan’s star prize was a Wempe Glashütte I/SA wristwatch and Andres’ was a L’Atelier du Vin Oeno Collection Sommelier set.

All the competitors were awarded a diploma, a competition medal and a silver salver.

The Semi-Final to select the three competitors who participated in the Final also took place at the Grand Hilton Seoul. Throughout Friday 20th the twelve young Sommeliers were tested on their knowledge and skills. Firstly with a theory paper, then with a practical wine service test and lastly with a blind wine tasting.

Brian Julyan MS, Chair, and the panel of judges, which included Nathan Kim (who had in fact represented the Bailliage of Korea at the 2013 International Final in Vaduz, Liechtenstein), saw the competitors through the stages with the goal of encouraging the young men and women to give of their best under pressure during what is understandably a challenging time.

The programme of events leading up to the days of the competition commenced on Wednesday evening with a welcoming dinner at Restaurant Gastro Tong, with our hosts Échanson Roland Hinni and his wife, Yeongshim Kim.

Thursday comprised a day trip to Sansawon, a producer of traditional Korean alcohol, for a tour and tasting. Lunch was at Jangsuchon Tofu Restaurant. In the evening there was a formal reception and buffet dinner in the Crane Room at the Grand Hilton Seoul.

Great appreciation is due to the sponsors of the Competition both international and in South Korea. Their support of this year’s Final [Ed. See list below] contributed enormously to making the event such a success.

Last but not least thanks go to the team from the host Bailliage of Korea led by Bailli Délégué Bernhard Brender and Échanson Roland Hinni, as well as to all those who helped in no small way with the organisation - especially Yeongshim Kim and Winevision’s Moonsong Bang.

Marie Jones
International Vice-President
Chair, Jeunes Sommeliers Competition Committee

NB. As well as the selected gallery of photos attached to this article, all the photos from the Competition can be viewed via this link: photos

Andres Aragon (Australia) - The Newport, Newport (NSW)
Daniel Dooreck (Canada) - La Banane, Toronto
Désirée Danechi (Denmark) - Trio Restaurant & Bar, Copenhagen
Juulia Eloranta (Finland) - Ravintola C, Tampere
Julian Schweighart (Germany) - The Fontenay, Hamburg
Matteo Montone (Great Britain) - The London Edition, London
Paul Lee (Korea) - Tavern 38, Seoul
José Jauregui Ramirez (Mexico) - The Cape, Cabo San Lucas
Kristina Veselova (Russia) - Terrassa, Saint Petersburg
Hsu Han-Sheng (Taiwan) - Orchid Restaurant, Taipei
Gülistan Keskin (Turkey) - Hotel Macakizi, Bodrum
Jonathan Eichholz (USA) - No Ceilings Pop-Up, New York

International sponsors
Wempe Glashütte I/SA; Château Margaux, 1er Cru Classé (Margaux); Château Pichon Baron, 2e Cru Classé (Paulliac); Château Branaire-Ducru, 4e Cru Classé (Saint-Julien); Château Smith Haut Lafitte, Graves Grand Cru Classé (Pessac-Léognan); Château Canon-la-Gaffelière, 1er Grand Cru Classé (Saint-Émilion); Château Gazin (Pomerol)

Korea sponsors
Winevision Academy; Champagne Duval Leroy; Le Cordon Bleu Sookmyung-Seoul; Riedel; Seoul Wines & Spirits

Competition Committee
Marie Jones (Chair) - International Vice-President
Klaus Tritschler - Member of the Conseil d’Administration

Panel of Judges
Brian Julyan MS (Chair) - Officier Maître Sommelier
Bryan Dawes MS - Officier Maître Sommelier
Frank Kämmer MS - Officier Maître Sommelier
Nathan Kim - Maître Sommelier

Competition Support
Philip Evins - Member of the Conseil Magistral
Moonsong Bang - Winevision Academy, Seoul
Yeongshim Kim

Bailliage of Korea National Council
Bernhard Brender - Bailli Délégué
Higgin Kim - Chancelier
Kim Youn Young - Argentier
Henry Oh Jr - Conseiller Gastronomique
Anne-Isabelle Blateau - Chargée de Presse
Chun Soon-Chai - Chargé de Missions
Pierre Doucet - Chargé de Missions
Kim Yoon Hee - Chargée de Missions
Roland Hinni - Échanson

Geneva (Switzerland), September 10-14, 2025

Concurrent with a Grand Chapitre of the Bailliage of Switzerland

Lisbon, October 18-19, 2024

Profiles of the Panel of Judges for the International Final

Lisbon, October 18-19, 2024

Profiles of the fourteen who participated

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