
Egypt Chapitre

Bailliage of Egypt
Cairo, September 18, 2019

164 sat down for the Gala Dinner

" A lady harpist enchanted us throughout the dinner "

We held our Chapitre at the Sofitel Gezira Hotel. Chancelier Karim Henein presided over the Induction Ceremony in his capacity as a Member of the Conseil d’Administration.

The Ceremony saw the induction of Mrs Douha Kawakibi as the Bailli of a new Bailliage for Cairo, namely the Blue Lotus.

Ihab Shawi received his Bailli’s regalia now that he has taken over the leadership of the Bailliage of Hathor.

Also inducted were local Bailliage officers, namely two Vice-Chanceliers, one Vice-Argentier, two Vice-Conseillers Culinaires, two Vice-Conseillers Gastronomiques, one Vice-Chargé de Missions and one Maître Hotelier.

A highlight of the induction of Professionals was five members from the host Sofitel Gezira Hotel: a Maître Rôtisseur, a Maître Restaurateur, two Chefs Rôtisseurs and a Rôtisseur.

For the Non-professional members, the former Egyptian Minister of Tourism, H.E. Hisham Zaazou was inducted as Chevalier d'Honneur and H.E. Karim Atassi, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, was promoted Pair de la Chaîne. Otherwise three Grands Officiers, five Officiers, four Dames de la Chaîne and fourteen Chevaliers received their Chaîne regalia.

At the end of this ceremony, glasses of champagne were distributed to the more than one hundred and twenty members and their guests in the packed Opera Ballroom.

After the reception, an exquisite menu was crafted for the Gala Dinner by French Executive Chef Jeremy Cayron and his brigade. The theme was “Mediterranean Sea”.


Slow cooked octopus
Ayam White

Salmon and shrimp tartare, wasabi mayonnaise, tuile
Ayam Rosé

Vol-au-vent of wild mushroom, confit of pigeon
Ayam Réserve 2018

Beef Rossini
herbs-mashed potato cake
sautéed baby vegetables, Perigourdine sauce
Château de Granville Red

Chocolate sphere
berries emulsion, passion fruit gel
caramelized hazelnut, pineapple chips
bitter chocolate sauce
Valmont Semi Sweet

A splendid wooden art piece was created for our event. A lady harpist enchanted us throughout the dinner.

The Gala Dinner was attended by 164 members and their guests, with several Ambassadors, the Italian Naval Attaché and managers of foreign banks operating in Egypt among the notable participants. A tombola comprising six valuable prizes generously offered by the Sofitel Gezira Hotel "made the night" of six happy winners!

We closed the event by announcing our Christmas Gala Dinner which will be held on Wednesday, December 18th, at the Cairo Four Seasons Hotel.

Yves Pharès
Bailli Délégué

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