
Finland Chapitre

Bailliage of Helsinki, Finland
Helsinki, January 21, 2023

Bringing light and joy to the middle of winter

" the event was linked with the Jeunes Chefs Rôtisseurs Competition organised on the same day "

Our Bailliage organised the first Chapitre of the National Bailliage of Finland’s 60th anniversary celebrations. Themed “The Young Chef Chapitre” the event was linked with the Jeunes Chefs Rôtisseurs Competition organised on the same day.

The Jeunes Chef Rôtisseurs (JCR) Competition is a significant activity for Bailliages in Finland. Eight young chefs participated in the competition in Helsinki. The competitive atmosphere was great.

The prizes were awarded at the Gala Awards Dinner at Restaurant Pörssi. At the same time, we held a small-scale Induction Ceremony to present “Rôtisseur” ribbons to the new young chef members. Ordre Mondial des Gourmets Dégustateurs (OMGD) members also received their tastevin. More than 140 people attended to enjoy both festive atmosphere and dinner.

“It was great to organise a local Bailliage Chapitre in the middle of winter in Helsinki and it was an excellent idea to combine the JCR Competition with the event”, said Vesa Loponen, Bailli of Helsinki.

“The guests enjoyed the party. The competitors, as well as those inducted, added a positive atmosphere and a feeling of belonging together”, he continued, “the Gala Dinner at Restaurant Pörssi was excellent. The flavours of the dishes were wonderful, and the selected drinks complemented the menu brilliantly.”

Vesa Loponen

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