
Slovenia Dinner

Bailliage of Slovenia
Murska Sobota, April 14, 2023

Gostilna Rajh excels once again!
" proudly representing Prekmurje cuisine at the highest level for generations "

Gostilna Rajh has been proudly representing Prekmurje cuisine at the highest level for generations. Tastefully furnished, plates carefully selected with excellent dishes presented in a modern way, Gostilna Rajh remains, first and foremost, an inn. Feeling at home and relaxed, you choose it for celebrations due to the establishment’s great charm. Time in good company is always enjoyable however we were surprised that we were still celebrating late into the night.

Let's start at the beginning: a cold, rainy April day which didn’t impede the initial gathering on the terrace. The entire team led by the legendary Ignac “Naci” welcomed us. He has handed over the inn’s management to daughter Tanja and grandson Leon yet still meets and greets each guest. Gjerkeš's Brut Rosé sparkling wine with abundant array of snacks and greetings from the kitchen was enjoyed and indicated what was to come.

Leon, following studies abroad, has brought many new influences to the already inspired kitchen. He spent time in Kenya this winter, which gave his creations an additional dimension.


Trout ceviche
mini version of the traditional langash

Soft, juicy cod served on carrot cream
pumpkin oil, topped with crackers

Rich lamb ragout
charred Chinese cabbage

Piglet with potato fritters and red cabbage
(the “King” of Prekmurje cuisine)

Sweet ugali* with coconut
blackcurrant ice cream

The “official” part of the menu ended. However the evening could not end so quickly in these parts. The Rajhs joined our tables. Leon sliced salami and we sat with a glass of good wine and continued to enjoy a nice evening in the company of friends.

Chaîne dinners are always at the highest culinary level. Even more memorable if we have a good time in good company as we did this time. Ambience plays an important role. We can rightly ask ourselves: is there a more suitable place for such a meeting than in a modern, creative, but relaxed and down-to-earth inn in Prekmurje?

Andrej Šterman

* Ugali is a type of corn meal made from maize or corn flour in several countries in Africa

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