
Kuwait Dinner

Bailliage of Kuwait
Kuwait City, October 14, 2023

The Ambassador of Germany does us proud
" The Regency Hotel team managed superbly in every aspect "

What a wonderful experience to celebrate autumn and harvest time the Ambassador of Germany, His Excellency Freiherr von Reibnitz and his wife Ina gave us.

The Regency Hotel team managed superbly in every aspect. Flavours and shades of Fall were brought onto our beautifully decorated wooden tables. Our first eye catcher!

Amuse bouche: tasty introduction to a plentiful Fall crop. Parsnips prepared three ways, roasted, chipped, pureed. Accompanied by truffle, truffle emulsion, white tender nugget of bay scallop.

Starter: deliciously prepared foie gras terrine with crunch of walnuts, gingerbread powder, sweetness of figs and fig chutney. Walnuts and figs are characteristic of bountiful autumn harvests.

Hot starter: Autumn infused sea bass with a pumpkin, barley risotto in fennel sauce topped with chanterelles. A real autumn delight with a delectable taste!

Sorbet: quince and pomegranate, an exquisite blend of refreshing flavours, the lovely texture came from small chunks of quince, the forgotten fruit. Aromas when combined expanded to a mouthwatering umami level.

Main course: what a story full of intense tastes well balancing savours of venison, sweetness of the sauce Grand Veneur, sauerkraut with natural tastes of baby orange beetroot, purple carrot and potatoes, created a superb plate.

Dessert: refined, redesigned, Black Forest styled, roasted plum gugelhupf. Combination of three different famous German desserts: plum tart, Black Forest gateau and soft gugelhupf. Brought to a scrumptious harmony with vanilla quark, in Arabic an equivalent to labneh, the finishing balancing touch.

Our compliments and appreciation for the magnificent execution of this autumn dinner. What a fantastic accomplishment integrating such abundance of components, ingredients, tastes, and colours. We literally cleaned and polished our dishes only decoration and enamel remained!

Special thanks were given to our hosts His Excellency Hans Freiherr von Reibnitz and his wife Ina together with the Regency Hotel’s Executive Team. A resounding well done to recognise their excellent work was given to the kitchen and service brigades.

Vive la Chaîne!

Based on detailed report by Soumaiya El-Azem, Chargée de Missions

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