
OMGD International Grand Chapitre 2024

Alcalá de Henares, September 25-29, 2024

Five days of enjoyment!
" The fully detailed Grand Chapitre programme and registration are expected to be sent out to all members sometime in March 2024 "

Dear Members,

After a successful and memorable 2023 Ordre Mondial des Gourmets Dégustateurs (OMGD) Grand Chapitre in Izmir, Türkiye, attended by 170 joyful participants, it is with great pleasure to announce that our 5th Annual International OMGD Grand Chapitre will take place from September 25-29, 2024, in Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain. This special location was included in the UNESCO World Heritage sites list in December 1998.

Our colleague Rosa Román, Bailli Délégué of Spain who is a Member of the Conseil Magistral, and her national team are currently working on putting together the final touches of the detailed five-day Grand Chapitre programme.

This will include numerous visits to vineyards, wineries, and wine tastings in Toledo, Ciudad Real in Castilla-La Mancha, and the town of Peñafiel (Valladolid province). Interestingly, Peñafiel is the renowned birthplace of Ribera del Duero wines, where we’ll also have the opportunity of meeting their wine brotherhood “Cofradía de Vinos de la Ribera del Duero”.

Our programme will also consist of two wine masterclasses featuring the wines of La Rioja and Madrid’s wines. You can also expect a visit to Europe’s largest ampelographic museum, coupled with tours of renowned historical sites, and dining experiences at well-known and Michelin-starred restaurants.

The fully detailed Grand Chapitre programme and registration are expected to be sent out to all members sometime in March 2024. For the sake of early planning, I kindly ask those who are interested in participating in this unique event to save the date in their calendars. And for those members wishing to book flights in advance, please note that travel to and from the Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas Airport is most ideal.

Looking forward to seeing you in Spain!

Vive la Chaîne et Vive l’Ordre Mondial!

Mohamed Hammam
Chair, OMGD International Committee
Member of the Conseils d'Administration and Magistral

Spain, September 25-29, 2024

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