A much-valued founder member of the Bailliage
" Jean-Claude joined the Managing Committee of the Bailliage of Mauritius in 2018 to help set up the Association in the country "
Born in 1963, Jean-Claude Bega is a Chartered Certified Accountant.
He started his career in 1980, spending seven years as external auditor before moving to a sugar group to perform various functions within accounting and finance.
He joined IBL Ltd in 1997 as Finance Manager and was eventually nominated as Group Head of Financial Services and Business Development and as Executive Director of that Company until his retirement from office in June 2023.
During his career, Jean-Claude has contributed to many development projects in Mauritius including mergers, acquisitions, corporate restructurings, and the creation of new companies, including a bank.
He was appointed as Non-Executive Director of the Lux Island Resorts Ltd in June 2004 and as Non-Executive Chairman of that Company in January 2019. Lux Island Resorts owns and operates five-star hotels in Mauritius, Reunion Island and Maldives. Three of its hotels in Mauritius have hosted prestigious dinners for the Chaîne.
Jean-Claude joined the Managing Committee of the Bailliage of Mauritius in 2018 to help set up the Association in the country and was inducted as Chargé de Missions in January 2019. He is a gastronome and continues to be an active member of the Bailliage despite having stepped down from the Managing Committee in August 2021 thus becoming Chargé de Missions Honoraire.
Jean-Claude also acts as Non-Executive Chairman of two other listed Companies in Mauritius, namely BlueLife Limited and The United Basalt Products Limited and as Non-Executive Director of subsidiaries and affiliates of the three companies chaired by him.
Chaîne Mauritius
A culinary journey of passion, innovation, and commitment