
Australia Chapitre Cruise 2026

Bailliage of Australia
Japan and South Korea, April 16-26, 2026

Ultra-luxury | All-inclusive | Exceptional
" join us and experience the camaraderie of the Chaîne "

Dear members

It gives me a great pleasure to invite you to join our first Bailliage of Australia Chaîne Cruise in the Asian region.

We will be cruising from April 16-26, 2026, so join us and experience the camaraderie of the Chaîne.

The Crystal team is excited to host the Chaîne. There will be bespoke dining experiences, a Masquerade Cocktail party and a Gala dinner following the Induction Ceremony Chapitre for our members … and much more!

Please click the following link to download initial information: programme

It you wish to join us and receive further details please register your interest by filling in the form via the Zeppelin Travel website:

For members wishing to experience the cherry blossom whilst in Japan we will be arranging hotel accommodation for two days prior to sailing/boarding. Please let me know if you require details on this.

Looking forward to seeing you all on board.

Vive la Chaîne!

Norm Harrison
Bailli Délégué
Member of the Conseil Magistral

Sapporo (Hokkaido), October 7-9, 2024

Come and share in a gastronomic festival

Budapest, October 3-6, 2024

Concurrent with the Jeunes Chefs Rôtisseurs International Final

Istanbul, September 12-15, 2024

30th anniversary of the National Bailliage

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