
World Chaîne Day

April 20, 2024

Themed: 'Local Culinary Delights'

" Many thanks indeed to all who took part "

We were delighted to announce that ‘Local Culinary Delights’ would be the theme for World Chaîne Day 2024 being held on Saturday, April 20th.

Free rein was given to members’ talent either participating as a Bailliage group or working alone.

Beginning in New Zealand and ending at the western extremities of the USA, the events of the day unfolded across the world, through Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Europe then “across the pond” to the Americas.

From the hundreds and hundreds of photos received, principally posted to the Social Media Wall, it was wonderful to see so many capturing the culinary specialities of their respective regions, all the while having a convivial time celebrating the Chaîne’s annual special day.

World Chaîne Day is an excellent viewing point to food culture around the world. For example, cooking courses and an extreme tour in Türkiye, cross-kitchen cooking just typical for Vancouver, fresh spring vegetables and organic ingredients in Italy, suckling pig barbecue and stunning landscapes in Mexico, Macanese dinner in a tremendous downpour, contemporary K-food from Korea, beautiful sunset in Greece, lots of snow in Finland and Sweden. And not forgetting the enthusiasm of the newest Chaîne member country, Ghana.

And these are just few to mention, what a display window this weekend gives us!

Together with my fellow judges we are now reviewing all the photos we have to hand so as to be able to reward the three best photos taken on this World Chaîne Day 2024.

Many thanks indeed to all who took part. I very much hope that you found your participation to be a rewarding experience and above all a fun one!

Ari-Pekka Parviainen
Chair, World Chaîne Day Organising Committee
Member of the Conseil d’Administration and the Conseil Magistral

NB. The Gallery attached to this article displays a selection of appealing photos which are not included in the separate "featured Bailliages" article.

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