
Uganda Gala Dinner

Bailliage of Uganda
Kampala, December 5, 2015

'Night of the Chefs' splendour at the Kampala Sheraton Hotel

It was another night of splendour at the Sheraton Hotel in Kampala for the Bailliage’s magnificent “Night of the Chefs” dinner.

Every year at Christmas, seven of the top restaurants and hotels in the city gather their chefs in an event celebrating quality dining. The Chef from each establishment contributes one course.

To start Le Chateau and the North Sea Delight presented “Herb-crusted tuna, spicy mango salsa and saffron-infused scallops” which awakened our appetites thus setting the evening off with a bang!

Next, the Kampala Sheraton, our hosts, offered “Wild roasted rabbit and Cognac soup”. Reminiscent of Middle Eastern fare, the salty, peppery, luxurious soup was poured by the staff into oblong bowls containing a spinach and feta dumpling, spice mousse and charcoal-cooked golden cauliflower sticks. This course was simply divine and the star of the evening, I believe.

For the main course, we were regaled with “Filet mignon rolled and crowned with silky, earthy and delicious foie gras, served with melon choucroûte, grilled corn, green pea purée, Brussels sprouts and pumpkin confit”. It was not only outstanding to eat but also a sight to behold.

To finish, Alice tasting her way through Wonderland is how we felt with a sampler platter of sweet confections of all shapes and sizes, for example: Nougat ice parfait; Blueberry brûlée tartlets. Pistachio chocolate truffles set on an orange coulis and butterscotch sauce were served with care to a grateful audience.

As we sipped wine and chatted, the conversation flowed with ease. The room started to relax helped by the Port. Time to let go stresses of the year and enjoy the holiday season.

The staff members, who had worked so tirelessly, were given certificates of accomplishment and a well-deserved cocktail!

The evening brought together movers and shakers from across Kampala’s social upper crust. As always, the Chaîne provides wonderful networking opportunities and this event was no different.

Another night to remember!

Jackie Frazier
Dame de la Chaîne

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