Competitor interview as part of International Women's Day
" Tay Sock Hui Payuda, who uses the English given name Lynnette, represented the Bailliage of Singapore in the 2017 International Final "
Tay Sock Hui Payuda, who uses the English given name “Lynnette”, represented the Bailliage of Singapore in the 2017 International Final held in Franfurt-am-Main, Germany.
Currently she is working as a Chef for the Compass Group in Hong Kong.
These are the questions posed together with her responses:
Have you always wanted to work in the hospitality industry?
From where does your love of culinary arts come?
My family is in this industry. I grew up seeing my parents working in the food and beverage industry. I believe it’s in my blood.
What inspires your culinary creativity?
Art and memories.
What do you think are the most significant trends or challenges faced in the industry today?
Sacrificing your time with your family and loved ones.
The numbers show that women chefs drop out of the industry much sooner than men. Why do you think this is happening?
Well this question is very sensitive, but to begin with the number of woman entering this industry is minimal. For those with passion they remain. I don’t think genders determine the rate of dropping out of the industry.
Has anything affected your entry into other culinary competitions?
What advice would you offer to young women wishing to start a culinary career today?
Consistency is the key to success.
Has participating in the International Jeunes Chefs Rôtisseurs Competitions together with ongoing membership of the Chaîne des Rôtisseurs helped you with your career?
I appreciate that I received a great exposure and experience.
What do you think is the future of restaurant/food business over the next five years?
There would be more sustainable produce and supporting the local farms hence reducing the carbon foot print would be one of the key developments.
How do you see your career development during this period?
Yes!! I’m very fortunate to work in my company which allows me to explore and create many new dishes.
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