
Portugal - 50th Anniversary Discourse

Bailliage of Portugal
Lisbon, February 18, 2023

Given by Bailli Délégué Honoraire Aníbal Soares at the Gala Dinner

" we will continue ever stronger with the joy of living around a table filled with gourmet friends "

President Atallah, International Vice-President Marie Jones, Bailli Délégué Amado, fellow members and distinguished guests …

It was with great pleasure that I accepted the invitation of our Bailli Délégué to have the great honour of being the Patron of this 50th Anniversary Grand Chapitre whose Gala Dinner - its supreme moment - will soon begin.

Because of this I allow myself, contrary to the norm, to convey to you my thoughts on this very special occasion.

I begin by thanking our very dear President Yam Atallah, to whom, during a dinner in Paris many years ago, I promised to do whatever was necessary to re-establish the Chaîne in Portugal.

It is also a double joy to welcome many other personalities, Portuguese and from abroad, such as my dear friend Madame Marie Jones, our International Vice-President. In President Yam we have the formality, we have the absolute guarantee of excellence at the highest level. In Marie Jones, who has made us used to her feminine charm, an Association like ours would not be as successful as it is.

To conclude, since we are celebrating 50 years of our first Grand Chapitre which took place on February 17, 1973, I would like to assure you that the few years of dormancy that followed the revolution which brought back democracy in Portugal, will be largely compensated. Count on me, we will continue ever stronger with the joy of living around a table filled with gourmet friends.

Vive la Chaîne!

Adapted from the full-length version of the speech provided to the Chaîne News Online by Aníbal Soares

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