First toast posted from Australia!
" Huge appreciation went to the fab staff at Moda who helped in no small way to make the day so memorable "
Heart-filled Chaîne Brisbane revellers enthusiastically followed this year’s theme of “Come with your Heart” with a fun-filled casual lunch at Moda Tapas Brasa Bar on Petrie Terrace.
Bailli Shymal Dhar and Vice-Chancelier Majella Pugh led the celebrations. Ably assisted by Shayne the Koala.
It was wonderful to see members old and new participating, especially Chancelier Honoraire Jim Varghese.
And then suddenly, it was over! Thank you so much to everyone who “came with their heart” and embraced the joyful camaraderie and the fantastic food.
Huge appreciation went to the fab staff at Moda who helped in no small way to make the day so memorable.
Ed. Thank you to all those members who made this article possible by posting photos and comments on the day on the World Chaîne Day Social Media Wall.
Wonderful food, setting and company