
Colombia Grand Chapitre 2023

Bailliage of Colombia
Bogotá, October 17-22, 2023

An amazing six days of gastronomy and culture
" there will be every opportunity to taste the local cuisine in both its traditional form as well as in a modern 'haute cuisine' style "

To fellow members around the world …

Our first ever Grand Chapitre will be held in Bogotá from October 17th to 22nd.

In the lead up to the Gala Induction Evening, the highlight of any Grand Chapitre, we have prepared a selection of unique events. A farewell lunch on Sunday 22nd will complete what we have planned.

Click this link to see the details: programme

You will see from the document that there will be every opportunity to taste the local cuisine in both its traditional form as well as in a modern ‘haute cuisine’ style.

To complement this gastronomic offering, there will be exclusive visits to national cultural sites, providing an opportunity to experience the warmth of the Colombian people and our culture in many wonderful settings.

Naturally, we would be delighted if you could join us for this very special occasion. In the first instance, to register your interest, please send an e-mail to: [email protected]

Meanwhile, please receive my warmest salutations.

Fernando España Garcia
Bailli Délégué

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Come and share in a gastronomic festival

Budapest, October 3-6, 2024

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Istanbul, September 12-15, 2024

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