
Cameroon Dinner

Bailliage of Yaoundé, Cameroon
Yaoundé, May 31, 2023

At 'The Lodge'

" The years have shaped the culinary arts that we have inherited "

On May 31st the Bailliage of Yaoundé gathered its members and friends, including Ambassadors and other gastronomy connoisseurs, for a delightful dinner at “The Lodge”.

The owner, Hélène Lancesseur, created a special menu for this second dinner organised at her restaurant: a “Love salad” to begin, followed by “Sea bream fillet with citrus and fragrant curried rice” or “Lamb delight with skin-on potatoes”. For dessert, there was a choice between “Île flottante with red berry coulis” and a “Selection of seasonal fruit”.

In her welcome address, Bailli Délégué Chloé Balanos pointed out that nothing is immune to change: the world of gastronomy has gone through many adjustments, evolving alongside history, society and civilisations. Just like humans, cuisine, wine and spices have travelled and intermingled. The years have shaped the culinary arts that we have inherited.

As a conclusion, she reminded everyone that the Chaîne des Rôtisseurs is a prestigious organisation, and that its members have a duty to be worthy ambassadors for superior gastronomy wherever they are.

The dinner took place in a warm, friendly atmosphere.

Chloé Balanos
Bailli Délégué
Member of the Conseil Magistral

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