
International Jeunes Chefs Rôtisseurs Competition 2024

Budapest (Hungary), October 2-7, 2024

Save the dates!
" The Final will be held in the superb facility that is the show kitchen at Metro Gastro Academy "

It is with much pleasure that, on behalf of the organising committee, I can announce that the 2024 International Final of the Jeunes Chefs Rôtisseurs Competition will be held in Budapest on Saturday, October 5th as part of a programme of events from October 2-7.

Budapest, Hungary’s capital, is bisected by the River Danube. Its 19th-century Chain Bridge connects the hilly Buda district with flat Pest. A funicular runs up Castle Hill to Buda’s Old Town, where the Budapest History Museum traces city life from Roman times onward. Trinity Square is home to 13th-century Matthias Church and the turrets of the Fishermen’s Bastion, which offer sweeping views.

The Final will be held in the superb facility that is the show kitchen at Metro Gastro Academy located in Budaörs, a suburb of Budapest 9kms from the city centre.

I know that the Bailliage of Hungary, led by Bailli Délégué Katalin Pintér, is eagerly looking forward to warmly welcome competitors, judges, committee members and supporters for what promises to be another outstanding competition programme.

David Tetrault
Chair, Jeunes Chefs Rôtisseurs Competition Committee
Member of the Conseils d’Administration and Magistral

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