
Cameroon Dinner

Bailliage of Yaoundé, Cameroon
Yaoundé, January 21, 2022

Reunion with a farewell
" a meal inspired by the Mediterranean region, the Bailli Délégué's birthplace "

The Bailliage organised a reunion dinner, combined with a farewell ceremony for His Excellency Kamal El Meligy Medhat, Egypt’s Ambassador to Cameroon, who has come to the end of his residency in the country.

To start the year and add warmth and camaraderie to the evening, the dinner took place on the terrace at the home of Bailli Délégué Chloé Balanos offering guests a panoramic view of the capital city under a starlit sky.

In her welcoming address, Chloé reiterated her best wishes for the New Year to members.

Members and prestigious guests were served a meal inspired by the Mediterranean region, the Bailli Délégué’s birthplace.


Trio of salads with their respective croquettes
(Aubergine caviar - Tsatsiki - Houmous)

“Spanakopita” - spinach tart

“Pastitio” - pasta bake


Ravani cake with a scoop of vanilla ice cream


White: La Grande Lice 2019 - Bordeaux, France
Red: Le Bailli de Notre Dame 2019 - Gaillac, France

Bailli Délégué Chloé Balanos wished His Excellency Kamal El Meligy Medhat all the best in the continuation of his career. When the time came for him to receive gifts from the members, Chloé recommended him to join the Bailliage of Egypt and reminded him of the importance of promoting the Chaîne’s values and spirit at any time and in any place: flying the flag for fine dining and the pleasure of excellent food, and upholding an appreciation for outstanding cuisine and quality wines.

Chloé Balanos
Bailli Délégué

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